Overview / screenshots

An overview of QElectroTech using screenshots. Click on pictures to enlarge them.

Fresh startup. Note that the undo panel has been moved on the right.

QElectroTech can edit several projects at the same time.

A project is basically a set of diagrams, stored in a .qet file, along with the necessary elements.

The elements panel can be searched for elements you can then drag'n drop on the diagram. Note that each action is listed in the undo panel.

Elements can easily be linked by conductors.

Each conductor can be customized.

The element editor allows you to create/modify your own elements.

QElectroTech is an internationalized program - elements and categories can have several names.

Diagrams can be exported as SVG or DXF or bitmap files (BMP, PNG, JPEG).

Diagrams can be printed to a real printer, or as PDF/PS files.